Here you can find the Management and Sustainability Plan’s drafts for each world heritage site. As this type document requires formal approval by several authorities the documents available below are still work in progress versions that may be subject to further changes.


Project for the complementary Action Plan to the Management Plan - Work in progress
[English version]
Management & Sustainability Plans
Project for the complementary Action Plan to the Management Plan (Bordeaux - ENG)

Project de Plan d'Actions complémentaire au Plan de Gestion
[French version]
Plan de gestion Bordeaux port de la lune / Livre 1 (

Dispositifs d'actions témoins d'une transmission transversale du patrimoine
[French version]
Plan de gestion Bordeaux port de la lune / Livre 2 (


Outline Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site Management Plan 2022+
[English version]
Management & Sustainability Plans
Outline Old and New Towns of Edinburgh World Heritage Site Management Plan 2022+

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Preliminary Document for the Management and Sustainability Plan
[English version]
Management & Sustainability Plans
Preliminary Document for the Management and Sustainability Plan (Florence - ENG)

Documento Preparatorio al Piano di Gestione e Sostenibilità
[Italian version]
Management & Sustainability Plans
Documento Preparatorio al Piano di Gestione e Sostenibilità (Florence - IT)


Relatório Preliminar do Centro Histórico do Porto, Ponte Luiz I e Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar, Património Mundial
Preliminary Report of the Historic Centre of Porto, Luiz I Bridge and Monastery of Serra do Pilar, World Heritage
replica watches [Portuguese and english version]
Management & Sustainability Plans
Relatório Preliminar do Centro Histórico do Porto, Ponte Luiz I e Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar, Património Mundial / Preliminary Report of the Historic Centre of Porto, Luiz I Bridge and Monastery of Serra do Pilar, World Heritage

Santiago de Compostela

Plan de Gestión de la Ciudad Histórica de Santiago de Compostela
[Spanish version]
Management & Sustainability Plans
Plan de Gestión Ciudad Histórica de Santiago de Compostela